Outside our home we have 2 storage sheds, one for my husband and one for me. This is my shed. I share it with the kid's toys. (check out the loft) It's an 8x10 place where I can sometimes find a moment of solitude when the weather is warmer. Right now it's January, it's freezing out there and I can see my breath. Plus the bikes are taking up space along with some other things that have been brought in for the winter. Everything changes. Things look different from one day to the next around here. Things change from sunup to sundown. Oh heck...even from one minute to the next they change. At the end of a warm day the bikes always get jammed in here anyway. And..since this day we've had a huge yard sale. In it we sold some of those watering cans and that old red metal bouy up there on the right. Plus I've added a few things. In that yard sale there was an old green porch rocker from our basement which we "tried" to sell. We got a few low offers for it but nothing close to the $45 slashed from $60. on the tag. So at the end of the sale I folded my step-stool up and put the said rocker in it's place. It is bigger and therefore does take up more floor space but it's so much more relaxing. Somedays I drag it out of the shed and sit under the trees with an ice cold lemonade in my hand. Brrr ... I don't even want to think of cold right now though.
See the rototiller on the front left? That was a wise purchase. I had my mind set on a little Mantis for years. But when the time actually came at last for me to plunk my hard earned dough down ... I then saw this beauty instead, on sale at Sears. It was 20lbs vs 99lbs. At that time the Mantis was running close to $300. and this was $179. when I got it. It has 7.5 hp vs the 2.5 of the other and goes much deeper then the Mantis can handle. I'm sorry I can't slide a link in there. I tried to but Sears doesn't have the same exact model available anymore. (Everything changes) I still love the idea of the Mantis being lighter weight and easier to maneuver. I also like that it can fit in small areas of the garden bed. Smaller size is important when you have limited storage area too.
But the truth is I needed a big job done and the Mantis just wouldn't cut it.
I've gotten a lot of use from this baby already and I hope she'll be with me a long time. Well...... this is my night off from work and I plan to use it wisely. I'm so close to finishing up my long term needle felting project. Maybe tonight's the night. Thanks for hanging out a bit. love~elaine